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Fundamentals of C/C++ Multithreading Programming

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Fundamentals of C/C++ Multithreading Programming

Table of Contents

1. Basic Issues

  • Will a thread crashing lead to process termination? Or does a crash of a thread within a process affect other threads?

Answer: Generally, each thread is an independent execution unit with its own context and stack. A crash in one thread does not affect other threads. However, typically, a thread crash might generate an error within the process, such as a Segment Fault error in the Linux operating system. This error generates a signal, and the default action of the operating system for this signal is to terminate the process, resulting in the destruction of the entire process along with any other threads within it.

  • How to investigate high CPU usage in a Linux process?

In actual development, improper program logic can sometimes cause a thread to spin (such as in an infinite loop), leading to high CPU usage for that process. This not only causes system lag but also wastes CPU resources. How can we locate and troubleshoot the thread causing high CPU usage?

In Linux, we can use a combination of the pstack and top commands to troubleshoot such issues.

2. Basic Commands

  • pstack

In Linux systems, the pstack command can be used to view the number of threads in a process and the call stack for each thread.

pstack pid

Set pid to the ID of the process you want to examine.

  • top

It displays processes using the most CPU, finds the process ID with the highest CPU usage, and then uses:

top -p pid

Observe the CPU, memory, and load of the specified PID.

Here is some information:

top - 19:30:05 up  6:15,  1 user,  load average: 0.85, 0.71, 0.61
Tasks:   1 total,   0 running,   1 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  8.1 us,  2.9 sy,  0.0 ni, 87.8 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  1.1 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem : 20412976 total, 10960136 free,  5416592 used,  4036248 buff/cache
KiB Swap:  2097148 total,  2097148 free,        0 used. 14315608 avail Mem 

The first line shows task queue information

Task Queue InformationMeaning
9:30:05Current time
6:15 minUser online time
1 userNumber of users
load average: 0.85, 0.71, 0.61System load, average length of the task queue. Average load 1 minute ago, 5 minutes ago, and 15 minutes ago

The second line is process information

Process InformationMeaning
Tasks: 1 totalTotal number of processes
0 runningNumber of processes running
1 sleepingNumber of processes sleeping
0 stoppedNumber of processes stopped
0 zombieNumber of zombie processes

The third line is CPU information

CPU InformationMeaning
8.1 usPercentage of CPU time spent in user space
2.9% syPercentage of CPU time spent in kernel space
0.0% niPercentage of CPU time spent on processes whose priority has been modified in user space
87.8% idPercentage of idle CPU time
0.0% waPercentage of CPU time spent waiting for I/O
0.0% hiHardware interrupts
1.1% siSoftware interrupts
0.0%stReal time

The fourth and fifth lines are memory information.

Physical Memory InformationMeaning
Mem: 20412976 totalTotal physical memory
5416592 usedTotal used physical memory
10960136 freeTotal free physical memory
4036248 buffers/cacheMemory used for kernel buffers/cache
Swap InformationMeaning
Swap: 2097148 totalTotal swap memory
0k usedUsed swap memory
2097148 freeFree swap memory
14315608 cachedCached swap memory

How can we use the top command to locate CPU usage for each thread in a problem process?

Use -H. The -H option of the top command displays the thread mode of each process.

For example:

top -p 2085 -H

From the above image, it's evident that the thread with PID 2085 has the highest CPU usage. Next, pinpoint whether there are any abnormalities in the code of this thread causing excessive CPU usage.

Combining the above pstack information, for instance:

pstack 2085

In the output of pstack for each thread, by cross-referencing our program's source code, we can identify whether there are logic blocks in that thread spending most of its time spinning. Then, modifying and optimizing these logics can resolve the issue of high CPU usage. In general, non-working threads should preferably be suspended using lock objects rather than spinning, as this can improve system resource utilization.